Deepen your training in the Anglican tradition.

For students with prior graduate-level experience seeking supplementary training, the Certificate in Anglican Ministry program is a 6-credit certificate that provides a foundation in areas of ministry and history from a classic Anglican context. Offered in the hybrid-distance format, the certificate can be completed in 10 months. Focus areas of the CAM include leading worship according to the Book of Common Prayer, Anglican history, Holy Orders, theology, ecclesiology, and applying an Anglican ethos in personal ministry.


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The Certificate in Anglican Ministry (CAM) is for students seeking:

  • To supplement their training, often to meet requirements for ordination in a church in the Anglican tradition. 
  • To learn about elements of ministry training that are distinctive to the Anglican tradition.
  • Rigorous liturgics training, including a one-week intensive on Nashotah House’s campus.
  • A hybrid-distance learning format, including 18 synchronous online class sessions.


Admission requirements

Students seeking admission to the Certificate in Anglican Ministry will ordinarily hold a Master of Divinity (MDiv). Applicants without an MDiv must hold a graduate degree in any academic discipline, or must be currently enrolled in a graduate degree with one year of coursework already completed.

Degree Plan

Certificate in Anglican Ministry

6 Credits

ID 601D
Anglican Ministry I (Fall Term, 1.5 credits)
ID 602D
Anglican Ministry II (Winter Term, 1.5 credits)
ID 603H
Anglican Ministry Session III (Spring Term, 3 credits)