You are invited to our Lenten Lunch & Learn series. Visitors are welcome to join our campus community for lunch at 12:30 p.m. in the Refectory (2D on the map), with a lecture to begin around 12:40 p.m. Dr. Brian Williams will speak about Classical Education and the Church. Dr. Williams is Dean of the Templeton Honors College at Eastern University, Associate Professor of Ethics and Liberal Studies, and Co-Director of Templeton’s Master of Arts in Teaching.
An advance $15 registration fee covers the cost of lunch and the program, or you may register at the door for $20. Sign up below!
REGISTERLooking to learn more about Nashotah House? Join us for a one-hour information session via Zoom, where you will hear directly from a dean of the seminary, faculty members, and current students. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the application process from our Admissions team.
REGISTERYou are invited to our Lenten Lunch & Learn series. Visitors are welcome to join our campus community for lunch at 12:30 p.m. in the Refectory (2D on the map), with a lecture to begin around 12:40 p.m. Dr. Elise Crull will give a lecture on God and Science: From Fear to Wonder. Dr. Crull is Associate Professor of Philosophy at The City College of New York.
An advance $15 registration fee covers the cost of lunch and the program, or you may register at the door for $20. Sign up below!
REGISTERYou are invited to our Lenten Lunch & Learn series. Visitors are welcome to join our campus community for lunch at 12:30 p.m. in the Refectory (2D on the map), with a lecture to begin around 12:40 p.m. Dr. Lauren Whitnah, Dean of Nashotah House and a medieval historian, will speak about her area of research, Saints and Sacred Places in the Middle Ages.
An advance $15 registration fee covers the cost of lunch and the program, or you may register at the door for $20. Sign up below!
REGISTEREncountering God: The Art of Iconography is an opportunity for prayer, fellowship, and instruction in iconography. Through this week-long retreat, led by two experienced iconographers, you are invited to enter into the long and rich Christian tradition of iconography.
REGISTERThe 2025 James Lloyd Breck Conference on Monasticism and the Church seeks to investigate Underhill’s mystical theology to discover how she understood the role of monasticism in the history and spirituality of the Church and how every Christian can be a single-minded mystic.