Visit Nashotah House


Where tradition meets mission and formation meets calling.

Tucked away in the woods of Wisconsin’s beautiful lake country, no other seminary approaches formation like Nashotah House. The difference lies in a comprehensive environment of classic curriculum and Christian community. Our graduate degree programs involve much more than studying and consuming information. When you visit Nashotah House, you will see how the entire rhythm of the day starts, continues, and ends in community. From participating in morning worship together, to sharing meals, attending classes, and participating in work crew, community touches all aspects of life.

We offer individualized visits as well as a larger event for prospective students called Experience Nashotah. At this event, guests stay on campus and are accompanied by a student liaison throughout the day—at chapel, lunch, classes, and so forth. Prospective students are also invited to meet with faculty members to discuss courses of special interest, soak in the beauty of Nashotah House on a full campus tour, and get all their questions answered over meals together with faculty, staff, and current students.

Visit Nashotah House, and discover the real preparation and real presence that awaits.

Our Campus

Experience Nashotah

March 19-21, 2025

Experience Nashotah is your opportunity to see what life is like at Nashotah House, giving prospective students an immersive introduction to our community, its vibrant life, and its living tradition. The itinerary includes:

  • Twice-daily worship in the historic St. Mary’s Chapel
  • Attending residential classes
  • Meeting our dean, faculty, and administration
  • Meals and fellowship with our students
  • Sessions to discuss the campus community, academics, and other features of life at Nashotah House

As you reflect and connect with current and prospective students, there are ample opportunities to ask questions and discuss issues critical to planning your seminary education, all while experiencing the beauty of Nashotah House’s campus.

The only cost to attend Experience Nashotah is the travel expense to and from our campus in southeastern Wisconsin. Once you have arrived, Nashotah House will provide up to three nights of lodging and all meals during the event for you and your spouse, if applicable. With a full core schedule on Thursday and Friday, most participants arrive on Wednesday afternoon and depart Saturday morning.

Those who cannot attend Experience Nashotah are encouraged to consider an Individual Campus Visit to include most of the same program elements in a smaller package customized to individual and family needs and schedules.

The registration deadline for the Spring 2025 session of Experience Nashotah is March 3. For more information, please contact the Admissions Office at or 262-646-6519.

Sample Itinerary from a recent Experience Nashotah

Register Now

Online Information Sessions

Looking to learn more about Nashotah House? Join us for a one-hour information session via Zoom, where you will hear directly from a dean of the seminary, faculty members, and current students. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the application process from our Admissions team.

Our upcoming session will be held April 1, 2025, at 7 PM (CST).


Individual Visits

Can’t make it to Experience Nashotah? We are happy to host you for a visit on our campus. Visitors can join us for worship in the historic St. Mary’s Chapel, sit in on classes, talk with faculty and current residential students, and meet with Admissions to find out more about becoming a student at Nashotah House.

Please contact us at or 262-646-6519 to discuss your interest in visiting Nashotah House.