Receive a thorough grounding in the Anglican tradition.

The Master of Theological Studies (MTS) is intended for persons wishing to obtain an academic degree in theological studies. The MTS, especially suited for those considering advanced graduate study or called to lay teaching ministries, allows for an area of academic concentration and is not designed in itself to prepare students for ordination. For many students, the MTS culminates in an 18,000-word MTS Thesis. A faculty member familiar with the area of research will be assigned to supervise the proposal, research, and writing of the thesis. This degree generally requires two years to complete in the residential program, three years in hybrid-distance.

In the Hybrid-Distance context, students attend four one-week sessions on campus each year (late-July, early-November, mid-January, mid-April) to take up residence on our historic lakeside campus for lectures, twice-daily worship, meals eaten in community, and evenings for study and/or fellowship.

Candidates typically hold a Bachelor of Arts degree, or equivalent, from an accredited college or university.

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The Master of Theological Studies (MTS) is for those considering advanced graduate study or a call to lay teaching ministries.

  • Four areas of concentration offered: Christian Theology, Church History, Holy Scripture, and Anglican Studies: Liturgics & Spirituality
  • Access to all Frances Donaldson Library resources: 110,000 print volumes, 50,000 e-books, and millions of digital journal articles
  • Offered in Residential and Hybrid-Distance formats
Three seminary students smiling at a table together.

Available Courses Depending on Your Concentration

Master of Theological Studies

60 Credits

OT 511H
Old Testament Survey I
OT 512D
Old Testament Survey II
NT 511H
New Testament Survey I
NT 512D
New Testament Survey II
CH 501H
Church History I (Patristic & Medieval)
CH 502D
Church History II (Reformation & Modern)
ST 501H
Systematic Theology I
ST 502D
Systematic Theology II
BI 501
Biblical Interpretation
MT 503
Moral Theology
HT 501H
Historical Theology I
HT 502D
Historical Theology II
CH 601
Anglican Church History
LT 501D
Liturgical History & Development
AT 501H
Ascetical Theology I
AT 601D
Ascetical Theology II
9-12 Credits
Biblical Languages (Greek & Hebrew)
9 Credits
Free Electives
3 Credits
Thesis Research
3 Credits
Thesis Writing