Fall 2024 Courses

Lectio Divina: Theology and Practice of Spiritual Reading

The Rev. Dr. Hans Boersma

AT 729/829

Course Dates: Sep. 2 – Dec. 13

Dates on Campus: Nov. 4 – 8

Tuition:  $1,800 (Credit) / $600 (Audit)

Community Life Fee: $115

Apply by: August 12

The twelfth-century Carthusian monk, Guigo II, famously comments, “What is the use of spending one’s time in lectio continua (continuous reading), running through the lives and sayings of holy men, unless we can extract nourishment from them by chewing and digesting this food so that its strength can pass into our inmost heart?” In this course we will take our cue from Guigo’s recommendation of chewing and digesting the words of Scripture in lectio divina (sacred reading). In Guigo’s explanation, lectio divina consists of reading (lectio), meditation (meditatio), prayer (oratio), and contemplation (contemplatio). We will look at the theoretical underpinnings of sacred reading, we will discuss the actual use of Scripture by patristic and medieval theologians, and we will follow in their footsteps by engaging in the practice of sacred reading ourselves.



Principles of Preaching

Instructor: The Rt. Rev. Greg Brewer

HM 501H

Course Dates: Nov. 4 – Dec. 13

Dates on Campus: Nov. 4 – 8

Tuition: $1,800 (Credit) / $600 (Audit)

Community Life Fee: $115

Apply by: August 12

An introduction to what it means to be committed to the vocation of preaching, the craft of sermon preparation and delivery. The spiritual life of the preacher, the importance of lifelong learning, exegeting the context (liturgical, congregational, cultural) of when/where a sermon will be delivered and to whom. The use of image and story in a sermon. The course will be a combination of lecture, “trying out” the craft of preaching, learning from our required readings, and class discussion that will invite us to learn from each other.



Introduction to Christian Spirituality

Dr. David Sherwood

AT 501H

Course Dates: Nov. 4 – Dec. 13

Dates on Campus: Nov. 4 – 8

Cost: $1,800 (Credit) / $600 (Audit)

Community Life Fee: $115

Apply by: August 12

Introduction to Christian Spirituality is the first of two courses that together provide a comprehensive introduction to ascetical theology including an overview of the general literature of Christian spirituality and its historical development. AT 501H concerns the individual’s spiritual life and surveys the spiritual literature of the first fourteen Christian centuries. The course has a dual focus on the academic basis of the Church’s spiritual tradition and the student’s experiential appropriation of that tradition, and so the course contains elements meant not only to foster in participants an intellectus fidei (a faithful understanding), but also to assist in developing a habitus fidei (a faithful character) that is embodied in a personalized praxis fidei (a faithful practice).


New Testament Survey 1

The Rev. Dr. Paul Wheatley

NT 511H 

Course Dates: Nov. 4 – Dec. 13

Dates on Campus: Nov. 4 – 8

Tuition:  $1,800 (Credit) / $600 (Audit)

Community Life Fee: $115

Apply by: August 12

The first course in the writings of the New Testament surveys the historical, religious, and social world of the New Testament, and introduces various critical and literary-theological methods for the study of the New Testament in general.


Scholarships Available!


'Bring a Friend' Scholarship

Invite a friend to Nashotah House and, if you or your friend will be taking a course for the first time, you will each be eligible to receive a tuition scholarship of $300 for credit or $100 for audit. Each individual must have completed the appropriate student application (for a degree or as a Visiting Student), registered for a course, and submitted this scholarship request by the course registration deadline. Only one promotional scholarship may be requested per term.


Church Group Scholarship

Church groups of three or more individuals from the same congregation will each be eligible to receive a tuition scholarship of $300 for credit or $100 for audit. Each individual must have completed the appropriate student application (for a degree or as a Visiting Student), registered for a course, and submitted this scholarship request by the course registration deadline. Only one promotional scholarship may be requested per term.


Alumni Scholarship

Nashotah House alums who are not currently in a degree program are eligible to receive a tuition scholarship of $300 for credit or $100 for audit. Individuals must have completed the Visiting Student student application, registered for a course, and submitted this scholarship request by the course registration deadline. Only one promotional scholarship may be requested per term.


Additional Information

To request housing and meals for a fall residential week, complete the housing and meals form by September 9th. If you have questions about housing, please contact Joy Wint at jwint@nashotah.edu.

Full refunds for fall term tuition fees will not be given after August 26, and full refunds for housing and refectory fees will not be given after two (2) weeks prior to arrival on campus. If you have questions about fees related to your course, please contact the bursar at bursar@nashotah.edu

If you have any questions about the Visiting Student application or fall term courses, please contact the admissions team at admissions@nashotah.edu.

Current students should register for fall courses in Populi.

For additional information, refer to these FAQs.