Edward Smither, PhD

Edward Smither, PhD

Affiliate Professor of Missiology


PhD, University of Pretoria (South Africa)

PhD, University of Wales-Trinity St. David (United Kingdom)

STM, Nashotah House Theological Seminary

MDiv, Liberty University

MA, Liberty University

BA, North Carolina State University


Get to Know Dr. Smither

Dr. Ed Smither serves as the Dean of the School of Missions and Intercultural Ministry and Professor of Intercultural Studies and History of Global Christianity at Columbia International University. He joined the CIU faculty in 2012. Previously, he taught church history and intercultural studies at Liberty University (2006-2012) and spent fourteen years in intercultural ministry in North Africa, France, and the USA. Smither enjoys studying and teaching theology and history of Christian mission. He serves as Vice President of the Evangelical Missiological Society and editor of the Journal of EMS.


Since 1999, Smither has been married to Shawn and together they parent three wonderful children—Brennan, Emma, and Eve. He enjoys road biking (the kind you pedal) the back roads of northwest Columbia, listening to really old hymns and modern rock, and suffering as a Washington football fan.

Selected Publications

  • Books
    • Mission in Word, Praise, and Deed: Reflections on the Past and Future of Global Mission. Pasadena: William Carey, 2023.

    • John Stott: A Facilitator of Global Missional Theology. Eugene: Cascade, 2023.

    • Reading Hebrews Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of Hebrews. Pasadena: William Carey, 2023.​

    • Mission in the Way of Daniel: Empowering Believers to Live into God's Plan. Pasadena: William Carey, 2022.

    • Sixteenth Century Mission: Explorations in Protestant and Roman Catholic Theology and Practice. Bellingham: Lexham, 2021.

    • Mission as Hospitality: Imitating the Hospitable God in Mission. Eugene: Cascade, 2021.

    • Christian Martyrdom: A Brief History with Reflections for Today. Eugene: Cascade, 2020.

    • Christian Mission: A Concise Global History. Bellingham: Lexham, 2019.

    • Missionary Monks: An Introduction to the History and Theology of Missionary Monasticism. Eugene: Cascade, 2016.

    • Controversies in Mission: Theology, People, and Practice of Mission in the 21st Century. Pasadena: William Carey, 2016.

    • Mission in the Early Church: Themes and Reflections. Eugene: Cascade, 2014.

    • Rethinking Constantine: History, Theology, Legacy. Eugene: Pickwick, 2014.

    • Brazilian Evangelical Missions in the Arab World: History, Culture, Practice, and Theology. Eugene: Pickwick, 2012.

    • Augustine as Mentor: A Model for Preparing Spiritual Leaders. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2008.

  • Articles
    • “Communicating catholic and Indigenous Christianity: The Anglican Book of Common Prayer’s Contribution to Global Mission.” Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis 13:1 (Winter-Spring 2022).

    • “Mission Amid Sixth Century Crises: Reflections on Gregory the Great, the Mission to England, and Thoughts for Today.” In Practicing Hope: Missions and Global Crises. Edited by Jerry M. Ireland and Michelle Raven. Pasadena: William Carey, 2020

    • "Sola Scriptura and the Recovery of Bible Translation in the Reformation," In Celebrating the Legacy of the Reformation, edited by Benjamin Forrest et al. 273-290. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2019.

    • “Augustine of Hippo: Agape-Driven, Christocentric Preaching,” In A Legacy of Preaching, Volume 1: Apostles to the Revivalists, edited by Benjamin Forrest et al., 146-156. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2018.

    • "Francis of Assisi, Christology, and Mission," Missiology: An International Review 46:3 (2018), 283-292.

    • "Explaining the Trinity to Muslims and Jews in Medieval Christian Mission: Lessons from the Life of Cyril," International Bulletin of Mission Research 41:1 (2017), 1-9.

    • “Augustine, Missionary to Heretics? An Appraisal of Augustine's Missional Engagement with the Donatists.” In A Uniquely African Controversy: Studies on Donatist Christianity. Edited by A. Dupont, M.A. Gaumer, and M. Lamberigts, 269-288. Leuven: Peeters, 2015.

    • "Lessons from a Tentmaking Ascetic in the Egyptian Desert: The Case of Evagrius of Pontus," Missiology: An International Review 39:4 (2011), 485-496.