Past Essentials in Ministry Webinars

Mental Health and the Parish
Matthew S. Stanford, PhD, Hope and Healing Center, Houston
Clergy Finance Issues
Toni Marie Sutliff and Zach Peterson, Church Pension Group
Preventing and Responding to Abuse
The Rt. Rev. Justin Holcomb, Bishop of Central Florida
Energizing the Laity through Mission and Outreach
Cynthia Efird, retired U.S. Ambassador to Angola
Sacramental Preaching
The Rev. Dr. Hans Boersma, Nashotah House
Transforming your Ministry Spaces into Places of Healing
Abel Makahamadze, ZimWorx
A Crash Course in Fundraising for your Church
Robin Little, Nashotah House
Galatians & Pastoral Care
The Rev. Dr. Wesley Hill, Western Theological Seminary
Parish Evangelism
Carrie Boren Headington, Canon for Evangelism, Episcopal Diocese of Dallas