Our Leadership

Our Dean

Lauren Whitnah, PhD


Executive Team

A headshot of Jim Watkins

Jim Watkins

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Affiliate Professor of Theological Aesthetics



A headshot of Paul D. Wheatley

Paul Wheatley

Assistant Professor of New Testament and Greek



Robin Little

Senior Director of Advancement



Ben Hankinson

Director of Community Life and Operations



Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is elected by the Board of Visitors to provide primary governance to Nashotah House.


The Rev’d Canon R. Brien Koehler


Associate Rector of Missions and Formation, Christ Episcopal Church
San Antonio, Texas

Mr. Andrew Bradford


Managing Director, Thompson Realty Capital, LLC
Dallas, Texas

The Rev'd John Jordan


Rector, Saint Laurence Church
Southlake, Texas

Mr. G. Thomas Graves III


Dallas, Texas


Mr. Keith A. Ackerman

Chief Operating Officer of Colton Strawser Consulting
Arlington, Texas

Mr. Andrew Bradford

Managing Director – Thompson Realty Capital, LLC
Dallas, Texas

The Rt. Rev'd Brian K. Burgess

Bishop - The Episcopal Diocese of Springfield
Springfield, Illinois

The Rev’d Michael Cover, PhD

Henri de Lubac Chair in Theology – Marquette University
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The Rev’d Adn. Tara Jernigan, DMin

Archdeacon, Anglican Diocese of the Southwest
Adjunct Faculty - Trinity School for Ministry
Sewickley, Pennsylvania

The Right Rev’d Derek Jones

Bishop – The Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy Anglican Church in North America
Montevallo, Alabama

The Very Rev’d John Jordan

Rector – Saint Laurence Church
Southlake, Texas

The Rev'd Canon Robert Brien Koehler

San Antonio, Texas

Mrs. Jody Maxwell, CPA

Owner/Partner – Mercurio and Maxwell, CPAs, LLC
Sarasota, Florida

The Rev’d John McCard, DMin

Executive Director – Macon Volunteer Clinic

Mrs. Beth Morphis

Co-owner and President – Salem Gymnastics and Swim
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Board of Visitors

The Board of Visitors are the members of the Wisconsin corporation which is the “owner” of Nashotah House. The Board of Visitors elects a Board of Directors and is responsible for approving changes to the Statutes and Charter of Nashotah House.

Honorary Trustees are elected by the Board of Visitors to a life-term on the Board in recognition for outstanding tenure and service to Nashotah House. Honorary Trustees are named for the title of the former governing Board of Trustees. Honorary Trustees have voice and vote in all matters before the Board of Visitors, save elections.


The Rev’d Fred Robinson, DD

Convener of the Board of Visitors

Members of the Board of Visitors

Mr. Keith Ackerman
Mr. Rich Baker
The Rev'd William Barto
Mr. Chad Bates Sr.
Mr. William Beecherl
Mr. Andrew Bradford
The Rt. Rev'd Brian K. Burgess
The Rev’d Michael Cover, PhD
Mr. David Demirbilek
The Rev’d Canon James Fosdick
Mr. G. Thomas Graves III
Canon Carrie Headington
Mrs. Gayle Heatherington
The Rev’d Canon H.W. Herrmann
The Rev'd Charlie Holt
Mr. Allan Earl Iding DHL
The Rev’d Deacon Tara Jernigan, DMin
The Right Rev’d Derek Jones
The Rev’d John Jordan
The Rev’d Canon R. Brien Koehler
The Rev’d James Lemler, DMin
Mrs. Jody Maxwell
The Rev'd John Fleming McCard, DMin
The Rev'd Mark Michael
Mrs. Beth Morphis
The Right Rev’d Ryan Reed, DD
The Rev'd Fredrick A. Robinson, DD
The Rev'd Joe Saloom
The Rev’d Leigh R. Spruill, DMin
The Rev’d Doran Stambaugh
Mr. Mryon Steeves, Esq.
The Rev’d James Sweeney, Esq.
The Rev'd Burke W. Whitman
The Rev'd Charleston Wilson

Honorary Trustees

The Right Rev’d Keith L. Ackerman, DD

Mrs. Frances Barr, DHL

The Most Rev’d Robert Duncan, DD

Mr. Allan Iding, Esq., DHL

The Right Rev’d Daniel Martins, DD

The Rev’d Andrew Mead, DD

The Very Rev’d Marshall Vang

Mr. Walter Virden III, DHL

The Right Rev’d William H. Wantland, JD, DCL

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