About this workshop

Preaching in settings with children can be one of the most difficult challenges preachers face. Whether you are a priest, teacher, chaplain, or Sunday School leader, this workshop will offer practical help in crafting homilies specifically for children. Drawing on insights gleaned over the past 70 years within the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd movement, Dr. Ann Garrido will introduce key characteristics of childhood and children’s spirituality and present ways to reflect on Scripture through the lens of the young child. Preachers will discover possibilities for preaching with children, rather than preaching to them. Workshop includes lunch and a copy of Ann’s book Preaching with Children (LTP, 2022).

This workshop is being made possible through the generous funding of the Lilly Endowment’s Christian Parenting and Caregiving Initiative.


Meet Dr. Ann Garrido

Dr. Ann Garrido is Associate Professor of Homiletics at Aquinas Institute of Theology and former Marten Faculty Fellow in Homiletics at the University of Notre Dame. She is the author of multiple books, including the award-winning Preaching with Children (Liturgy Training Publications, 2022). She has been involved in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd movement since 1996 and currently serves on CGSUSA’s catechist formation committee. On Sundays, she can be found reading the Word of God alongside her parish’s three- to six-year-olds in Decatur, GA.
