7:45 AM: Morning Prayer (St. Mary’s Chapel)
8:15 AM: Breakfast (Refectory)
10:30 AM: Solemn High Mass (St. Mary’s Chapel)
12:00 PM: Alumni Luncheon (Adams Hall)
2:00 PM: Floreat Nashotah Inaugural Meeting (West Wing)
4:30 PM: Solemn Evensong (St. Mary’s)
5:30 PM: Floreat Nashotah Reception (Deanery)
REGISTER Download this schedule7:30 AM: Alumni Requiem Mass (Red Chapel)
10:00 AM: Holy Eucharist with Conferring of Degrees (The Garth)
12:30 PM: Garden Party (Under the Tent)
4:30 PM: Evensong with the Dean’s Valediction (St. Mary’s Chapel)
REGISTER Download this scheduleNot able to join us for Commencement? Check back here for a link to the livestream.
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